Schüth’s warehouse contains over 1,000 quality products.
Thus, we can provide you with absolute high-tech quality products that are tailor-made to your requirements and that are produced in Germany or in Europe, as well as with very reasonably priced products for minimum requirements, which can all be obtained worldwide. Based on your requirements we decide on the manufacturing process, which is coordinated with regard to quality, economic efficiency, as well as rapid delivery. Particularly for planning and development and, in this context the necessary initial samples and also small batches, parts can be made available as soon as possible with high flexibility. These parts are manufactured using water-jets or cutting plotters.
Whether with regard to the design of the gaskets, for example, as endless belts or with assembly aids, as well as the type of packaging, i.e. loosely packed, individually packed or bundled, you will receive the best possible solution from Schüth. During the development stage, our employees are already available to assist you with any problems you may have in the area of gaskets and stamped parts.